The generalizability of the evaluation of the “the smiley face approach” can be threatened by a limited number of students participating in the evaluation process. This is due to a number of reasons. Apparently many Nursing and Foundation for Nursing students are mature students and have a number of other obligations and commitments and might not have enough time to participate in the survey.

Nevertheless, it has the potential to be extended to a larger sample once the piloted programme is evaluated.

The evaluation also requires competence with specific anatomical terms that must be learned before participating in drawing the smiley face.

Louise and I met again at the LSC at 3:30 pm. At this time a nursing student came along seeking help with her enzyme laboratory report. Louise took the opportunity and asked her to complete her evaluation survey. Not long after, another student came for the same purpose. It took me an hour and a half to get back to Louise to do our evaluation plan. Louise already had a number of suggestions and concerns in terms of generalizability, reliability and validity as well as references not being properly written. We were able to put a number of ideas together and we amended the references in terms of punctuation, capitalization and format.

It was really strange that after we had included the right APA format and saving the wiki page, they displayed incorrectly again. Maybe we did not save them in the first place :-)

Today, I accessed the page again and I realized that many titles and subtitles were not in italic, which were changes I had made on Wiki Educator. I fixed them again and hopefully things are correct when I access the page again.

Then we had another concern. We did not know how to present our final project plan. Should we keep it in its current format or do we need to create a PDF format or something similar?

I thought it would be a great idea to contact Bronwynh and ask her some other questions. Louise contacted Bronwyn and she was able to ask her about our concerns. Brownwyn informed us to keep it in its current format. She also advised us that we could ask for an extension if we needed one.