On the 2nd of Nov. 2010, Louise visited the LSC to discuss our final report. We together went through the various aspects of the plan and ammended certain parts requested by Bronwyn. I realised that the survey questions had been answered only by few students. Louise also reported that her survey questions had not been conducted by many students either. Personally I realise that BN1 and Foundation for Nursing students have a lot of things to do and they just don’t have enough time to conduct the survey. Louise agreed with me.<?

Louise followed Bronwyn’s instructions and thooought that the survey would take at least 20 minutes to complete and her students would certainly not do it. She showed me the survey questions and they were four or five pages. Luckily I have been interviewing my students jndividually whenvere appropriate and  have been able to collect some data. I still think that I need to gather more information and I supposse that the clock is ticking and I might not have enough time to do them later. It was time I did many things by now.

Later, Louise and I decided to meet up again at the Technology Learning Centre to join the teleconference with bronwyn.

Bronwyn had indicated earlier that she might not be able to run the teleconference on time but she would try her best to make it for Wednesday the 3rd of November.