Online sources display contents in different ways according to a multiplicity of factors including structure and purposes. Undoubtedly, inclusion of interactivity is more or less a common feature of many, if not all, informative and teaching electronic resources. Some websites are highly attractive and present information appropriately and effectively. However, many website designers ignore the fact that certain features should be avoided in creating a successful informative website. Below is summary of certain mistakes some web designers may make:

1. Ambiguous and vague goals

2.    Unspecified target audience

3.    Improper structure, layout and design

4.    Low quality contents such as irrelevant images, unclear and inefficient writing, and the lack of informative and useful links

5.    improper language

6.    Unorganized navigational system

7.    Lack of adequate contacts

8.    Lack of appropriate explanation and multimedia tools

9.    Inactive links and icons

10. Outdated information (not up to date)

11. Slow loading pages and links